Thursday, February 5, 2015

PBC Messenger 03-2015

What’s happening with PBC this week:

(Meetings are here at church unless otherwise noted)

Sundays:      9:00 am    Sunday service
                                              5-7 pm     iYouth  
                  Mondays9:30am Ladies Bible Study                  
Wednesdays :  9:30-11:30 am Kids Kare

Thursdays:   7:00am Men’s Bible Study
                                          10:00am  Senior's Bible Study



The Church Directory is almost here.  Be sure to look for it next Sunday.  It is currently being printed.  We have ordered 150 copies and are asking for a donation to cover the cost of printing and the 3-ring binder.

A meal schedule has been created using, and you've been invited to participate!  Meals are needed for: Mike & Julie Knapp
If you would like to sign up, you can access the meal schedule by clicking here, or by visiting and locating the schedule by recipient last name (Knapp) and password (3431).  I have included additional notes about this meal schedule below. If you have any questions, please let me know!
Kerry Denison
Additional Notes:  Sign in under Knapp and password is 3431.  Meals can be delivered to the Knapp Home or Pagosa Brokers to Mike Knapp anytime between 4 and 5:30.
There are two adults and two children.  The family likes Salads, Chicken, Casseroles, Mexican food.
They do not like spaghetti and Julie does not like Chinese food.  Healthy High calorie for Julie if possible.  Minimally processed.  Easy to heat up and Easy to clean up are the best.
They have plenty of freezer meals so they are asking for ready to eat meals.  No sweets.
Their favorite restaurants are Kips, Chavolo's, Farrago's, Boss Hogs, and Taco Tuesday at Coyote Moon if you would like to get them a gift certificate instead of preparing a meal.
If you need tips on preparing and taking meals check out the tips on this site. They have great ideas for transporting and great meals to prepare.
We appreciate you taking the time to prepare a meal for the Knapp family.

Pastor Tom will be leading a 6-week bible study, “Shepherding a Child’s Heart” on Wednesday nights starting in March, due to scheduling conflict, from 5:30-7pm. Child care and dinner will be provided. If this is something you would like to participate in, please let him know.

   Prayers :

From our missionaries in Ukraine, Janna and Daniel Ross:Please be praying for Daniel; he's on the way to Harkiv for a building trip and he's getting a cold. Not fun! Also, I'm asking for some prayer for my neck/throat area. Its been painful on and off for several months, and I don't know what it is. I went to the doctor when I was in the States, and I've talked to a few other doctors since then, but am still unsure. Trying a few different remedies. Honestly, it just feels like an attack, the enemy is constantly trying to prevent us from our work.

If you would like to be on the church email prayer chain, please contact Rachel Hellwege-Vaughan at 


Serving our Family this week (3/01) 
Nursery:  Marlys N. & Ruth H.
Preschool: Christy P.
1st-5th Grade:  Stephen P.
Greeters:  Jon & Marci J.
Refreshments: Dot K. & Judy C.
iYouth Meal: Is this something you can do ?


Serving our Family next week (3/08) 

Nursery:   Tami & Meghan E.
Preschool: Kristie B. & Mercedes L.
1st-5th Grade:  Barbara M.
Greeters: Rex & Marlys N.
Refreshments: Rich & Davilyn V.
iYouth Meal: Kristie B.


·       Among The Least - provides resources for adoptive families locally, supports Mark and Lisa Hauger's ministry to orphans and widows in Kenya
·       Child Evangelism Fellowship - Frank & Connie Porter - Colorado
·       COCINA- Coalition of Children in Need Association - supports Institution Univers and Univers Medical Center in Ouanaminthe, Haiti
·       ELIC - English Language Institute/China - Emily Buikema in SE Asia
·       First Love International - Janna & Daniel Ross in Ukraine
·       In Faith - Bill and Barbara Fair in the USA
·       Mission Aviation Fellowship - Sean and Rebecca Cannon in Indonesia
·       Pagosa Pregnancy Support Center - pregnancy testing and support, life skills training, abortion recovery; Pagosa Springs CO
·       World Reach - Thomas and Lorinda Fleming in Albania




Emily Buikema in SE Asia 

Remember me?

My oh my have I been a terrible communicator of late. If it's any consolation, a lack of hearing from me is usually a sign that things are busy and going well here, but it has and will never mean that I have forgotten you. So if you can, please forgive me for making it seem like my time is better spent doing less important things!

We are just entering into our second semester and getting back into the swing of things after our annual conference in Chiang Mai. It's amazing how two weeks off will make you never want to go to work again :) Our conference was extremely full and exciting and left me with a deep sense of appreciation for ELIC, as it always does. One thing I was not expecting, however, was for that appreciation to be reciprocated. Throughout the week, various people from the organization expressed their gratefulness for our work,  team, and even me specifically. I was even offered a new position helping with the marketing and communications department from here, which I have wholeheartedly and excitedly accepted (it's not really a job yet, but they are going to use me for different tasks that don't exist yet while I keep my same teaching schedule). Our conference even showed us the team video that was made about Laos all those months ago, and as soon as it's made public, I will send you a link
The weather is heating up, we have a newborn baby on our team (he's the best!), and Lao wedding season is upon us. That means LOTS of makeup and lots of extra stares as we roll up in high heels. Even in my exhaustion, my students have been reaching out to me in droves. Last week alone, 5 students asked to come over to my house, and that NEVER happens. We keep praying, and stuff keeps happening. Thank you for praying with us, and for being so patient in waiting on me to hear how your prayers are being felt and answered. They are felt deeply.

Stay warm out there!


Africa- Haugers
 The book of Romans (15:30) finds the author asking,
“Will you be (our) prayer partners? For the Lord Jesus Christ’s sake
and because of your love for (us) - given to you by the Holy Spirit -
pray much with (us) for (the) work.”
We’re asking for the same… Because of love,
will you partner in prayer for us and the work God is doing in Kenya?

These are our requests and shouts of joy…

Asking God for favor with all involved in Lil Man’s adoption process.
We refuse to pay bribes. May God move the hearts of social workers,
the lawyer and judge to make decisions in the best interest of Henry Jasper.

Thanking the Lord for the JOY of delivering Luo Bibles to village mamas!
Please pray as we facilitate bible study for women who have never
known God’s Word for themselves.
Please pray for the WOW mamas to keep making progress in their
spiritual walks and practical outreach to the community.

Smiling mamas can read God's Word in their heart language.
"Erokamano. Nyasaye Opaki."

Sharing the Word.

Precious prayer time with gratefulness.

Amazing mamas now blessed with Bibles!
Some of our dear friends in Dadaab Refugee Camp were not sponsored
to come back to school at Joyland. Since the ISIL crisis, funds for refugees’
education are not available.
Please pray the children at Joyland to be protected against violence and abuse.
Please pray for the local youth to resist temptations to join terrorist groups in
northern Kenya. May God’s words of comfort and peace find a home in their hearts.

We were awarded a grant to build 15 biosand water filters.
May we have grace to complete the work with a focus of sharing the gospel.

A biosand filter will make this dirty lake water
potable and prevent waterborne diseases.
Praising Jesus for the progress made on the church property.
The permanent security wall is completed.
Please pray with us about constructing a place for neglected
mamas from the surrounding slums and villages to come, learn and
access resources. The expected cost to build a multipurpose building
is approximately $10,000.

Building the security wall. Many of these mamas
now attend church.

Security guard poses with his machete.

Mark poses too.
Without even knowing what was happening, a dear friend in USA
felt impressed to share these verse a few days ago...
Zech 2: 5. "For I, says the Lord, 'will be a wall of fire all around her
and I will be the glory in her midst."
(Thanks Lynn!)
Please pray for our family to experience continued protection and provision.
We are reapplying for our missionary permit. Our kiddos are in midterm and
need an extra boost of confidence and commitment. We are also asking for
wisdom concerning options for the future.

Now glory be to God, who by His mighty power at work within us is
able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream
of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.
May He be given glory forever and ever through endless ages because
of His master plan of salvation for the Church through Jesus Christ.
(Ephesians 3:20.)
Asante sana for your prayers, support and encouragement.
hugs from the haugers

Elder On Call for March
Troy Rascoe

Our elders would really like to know about your prayers needs and questions. Please let them know what’s happening with you.