Thursday, December 18, 2014

PBC Messenger 12-22-2014

What’s happening with PBC this week:

(Meetings are here at church unless otherwise noted)

Sundays:           9:00 am    Sunday service
                             5-7 pm     iYouth  (will resume on Jan. 11th)

Mondays :   Ladies Bible Study (will resume on Jan 5th)
Wednesdays :  9:30-11:30 am Kids Kare (will resume Jan. 14th)

Thursdays:       7:00am Men’s Bible Study  (at Café Colorado)
                                       10:00am  Senior's Bible Study (will resume on Jan 8th)                            


 There will be a missionary sharing on December 28th with Mary Porter.  Come and hear what God is doing through her and her ministry "Child Evangelism Fellowship" in Canada.



Refreshments !

It's time again to sign-up for refreshments !  Sign-up sheet is in the foyer.   What a great way to serve our church !!




Dear Community Rewards Participant –

You will need to re-enroll after December 1, 2014. Go to During the re-enrollment period the “Enroll Now” button will change to “Re-enroll”. You will be taken to the “organization” search page. Select “Pagosa Pregnancy” or “10414” as you did the first time around.
 Every time you shop and swipe your City Market card, the Pagosa Pregnancy Support Center receives reward points. Quarterly we are issued a City Market Community Rewards check. (2014 2nd & 3rd quarters averaged between $1,200 and $1,400 each!) Please enroll today and re-enroll after Dec. 1st. 

Volunteers Needed at the Pregnancy Support Center
We are beginning this year with many new things- new hours of operation and new services for our clients!
As you think about how God may have you serve in our community this year, please give some thought to the Center. We need volunteers in many areas. But our main current need is for those who would like to work one-on-one with our clients. We have places to serve for both women and men.
These volunteers typically fill one 3 ½ or 4 ½ hour shift per week at the Center.
Training for new volunteers is scheduled to begin in late January.
If you have any interest, please pray about it! Feel free to call me with any questions at 264-5963. I would love to talk to you.

We would like to offer a "Baptism Class' sometime in January.  Please let Pastor Tom know if this is something that you would be interested in doing.  (Just drop a note in the offering box).

Pastor Tom will be leading a 6-week bible study, “Shepherding a Child’s Heart” on Wednesday nights in Feburary and March. Child care and dinner will be provided. If this is something you would like to participate in, please let him know.

   Prayers :

Update on Sara Lokey

To update everyone Hannah Joy was born on the 19th at 5:02am at 32weeks and 5days. She weighed 4lbs to 2oz and is doing well. Within 3 hours of birth she was moved from the high level nicu to the graduate nicu so that means she is in the feed and grow section. She has been breathing on her own from the get-go and today they started feeding her milk through a tube(nose to stomach) and shes handling that well. She is still in an incubator, and she can't coordinate to eating and breathing yet. So thanks for all the prayers and please continue to pray for Hannah to develop quickly so we can all go home.

Pagosa Springs Prayers & Squares, Chapter 1157 is looking for people who love to sew or quilt in conjunction with prayer. Knowledge of sewing is not necessary; we can teach! Our group is a community of Christ followers. We believe that we operate as the “hands and feet of Jesus” with our common faith that our God hears and answers prayer.
The purpose of Prayers & amp; Squares is not to make and distribute quilts, but to promote prayer through the use of quilts. Our motto is: "It's not about the quilt; it's all about the prayers."  The idea behind these prayer quilts is simple. A heavy thread is used to take stitches through the quilt layers, and the ends are left free to be tied with square knot. As each knot is tied, a silent prayer is said for someone in special need, who then receives the finished quilt. Through Prayers & Squares many quilts have been distributed, each a special gift of love. They have been made for sick babies, for cancer patients, for adults and children facing surgery or personal crisis; for many reasons, but each for someone in special need of prayer.” (  
For more information, please contact Carla Hellwege, 970-946-8503 or

If you would like to be on the church email prayer chain, please contact Rachel Hellwege-Vaughan at 


Serving our Family this week (12/28) 

Nursery: Carol S. & Linda L.
Preschool: Kevin & Heather M.
1st-5th Grade:  Bob & Danyelle L.

Greeters:  Harvey & Ann B.
Refreshments: Dot K. & Judy C.


Serving our Family next week (1/4) 

Nursery: Ruth H. & Marlys N.
Preschool: Christy P.
1st-5th Grade: Stephen P.

Greeters: Jon & Marci J.
Refreshments:  Cheryl F.


INDONESIA   - Cannon Family


Dear Family and Friends,

After a great furlough time in the States, it was a joy to return to our home in Palangkaraya mid-September and to re-connect with our friends, teammates, and neighbors. Unfortunately, we arrived in the middle of dry season—the time of year when palm oil plantations clear land with fires. For our first month back, we did not see the sky or sun due to the heavy smoke hanging in the air. It was a discouraging time because our MAF pilots were unable to fly, and many local people suffered physical ailments due to the smoke. We were very thankful for our air-conditioned rooms into which we escaped in order to protect our lungs. Thankfully, the smoke has now cleared for the most part, and we are enjoying the beginning of rainy season. How we missed those torrential tropical downpours!

Even with the smoke curtailing Sean’s flight hours, we’ve been plenty busy getting back into life here. We’ve already hosted several guests (with more to come). The girls are back in their homeschool routine—much to their mother-teacher’s relief. Sean is busy as ever in his role as Base Manager, especially with preparations for the new airplane we’ll be receiving sometime next year. As the smoke clears, Sean looks forward to resuming regular flights in addition to finding new ways to serve. We appreciate your prayers for safety, energy, and a good witness as we serve and live among the people of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.

As we enter the Christmas season (our fifth in Indonesia!) we want to again express our gratitude to you for your prayers and partnership with us. Merry Christmas!

In Christ,

Sean, Rebecca, Brooklyn, Madison, and Paige



      AFRICA - The Hauger Family

It's that time where the industrious create "year in review newsletters."  Considering we post monthly updates, you might get bored with the redundancy, so here's a photo story of 
"this month in review."

Like the Kenyan weaver birds that busily build, we find ourselves 
continuing to build useful projects that serve people in Jesus name. 

The widowed/single mamas of WOW (Woman of Worth) 
enjoy prayer, bible reading and fellowship. Two more
mamas have joined us.
Although  possessing little themselves, they diligently 
work on projects to give back to those in the community,
who struggle -  we like to call this  "the widow's mite."

After 46 days back in the orphanage, Lil Man is home with us - his 
family.  Friends at the home gathered to sing, eat cake and say 
good bye (although we only live a few blocks away and he sees 
them regularly.) The sweet send off helped us transition him 
without disturbance.
Sharing cake is a tradition at celebrations and Henry
was happy to feed Moses.
We said good bye to a new, dear friend who assisted us in
 "handling" Henry's confusion while he stayed at the orphanage.
Serving in the village - one of the poorest districts in Kenya -
never fails to humble us.
The mamas kindness, hard work, willingness to give, to learn 
teaches us about the depth of God's grace. Ministry here is 
always mutually refreshing.

Harvesting and packaging roselle tea to sell.
They distribute the profit to those in need.
Learning together how to bring God's transforming 
                                              Word to those among the least.
Mark and David prepare a water filter for Mama Janet's
home. Janet cares for 3 orphaned girls.

With constant labor of working the garden, hand washing, caring 
for little ones, preparing cook fires and food... the ease of using
this filter to clean water amazes the mamas.
Meanwhile, back at New Life, the orphaned kiddos special 
needs join festivities of a grand opening of their new home.
A blessing to attend and photograph!

If you've followed our blog, you know about the complicated 
issues surrounding the land purchase for the local church we 
are part of. The trails were firey but God is the Great Redeemer! 
The church is now considered the rightful owner of this hotly 
contested plot. Praise Jesus! 

This month found the pastors praying 
over newly appointed leaders of various departments - one 
being our ministry partner, Carolyne. She now heads
Love in Action Ministry to the poor.
Pastor and Elders join hands - a three-fold cord
 not quickly broken.

Please pray for us and the following situations...
  • Intercountry adoptions in Kenya have been suspended indefinitely.  Our adoption of Henry should not be affected since we are handling the process as residents and already have placement. With so many true orphans and abandoned babies in Kenya, we're praying this ruling can be overturned and adoptions will resume.  
  • For the church leaders to have have solid Bible knowledge, wisdom from above, and the character of Christ to minister in love.
  • For the mamas to continue to grow in their faith and good works that God has prepared for them.
  • That we and the team in US have wisdom in making decisions about sending a shipping container filled with ministry items to use for a resource center.
  • For the physically challenged children of Joyland who are back in the refugee camp. May they stay healthy, safe and keep focused on their heavenly Father. 

As always, we're overwhelming grateful for being able to 
live the call and for those who help make it happen.

Asante sana!
Mungu awabariki this Christmas season.
hugs from the haugers


Elder On Call for December

Troy Rascoe

Our elders would really like to know about your prayers needs and

questions. Please let them know what’s happening with you.