This week: Dealing with the Anxiety of the World
This week we will conclude our series on "Dealing with the Anxieties of Life". Tom will discuss how to approach dealing with the issues we face everyday in our world. He will be speaking from 2 Corinthians 1: 4a, and 8-11. Come and see what he has to share with us this week.
COMING SOON.... Pastor Tom has been busy putting together a new sermon series based on "Unboxing the Christian Relationship (What's a Christian to do with ....?). Good Stuff!
Pick up a new, revised, green schedule for the Summer. Activity nights have been moved from Tuesdays to Sundays to accommodate schedules.
JOSH PRINGLE UPDATE: Josh has graduated from his Coast Guard training and is moving to his new assignment in Mayfield, Florida. We are thankful that all is going well with him in his new adventures. Contact information should be available through either Connie or the church office soon.
From Marlene Taylor: "Thank you for all the prayers, visits, flowers, cards and gifts of food as I am recovering from recent surgery. A friend is truly one of God's greatest gifts!"
Lois & Perry Ball:
"Thank you for your many prayers, visits and flowers during Lois' recent illness. Lois is on the mend and will be back in Church soon!"
Only 2 weeks left for Baby Bottle Boomerang!! Take a bottle home and return it full of coins, cash and checks on Father's Day. This is an easy fundraiser for the Pagosa Pregnancy Support Center... every little bit helps.
MEN'S FELLOWSHIP: Tuesdays, anytime from 11:45 to 1:00 pm at the downtown Subway. Come for fellowship when you can & stay as long or short as you can.
Several folks have asked about Vacation Bible School this summer. Pagosa Bible Church is not hosting a VBS this year, but several other community churches are. Here's the info that I have:
June 13-16 Centerpoint Church Megan Castaneda 731-0334
July 18-22 Our Savior Lutheran Church Deborah Hainer 731-3157
Our church is need of a snowblower. If you're doing some spring cleaning and need to get rid of a snowblower that is in good working condition, please let us know. You will receive a tax write off for your donation. Thanks.
209 Harman Park Dr.
COMING SOON.... Pastor Tom has been busy putting together a new sermon series based on "Unboxing the Christian Relationship (What's a Christian to do with ....?). Good Stuff!
After church this Sunday (11:00) BBQ for students and their families@ the Olson's.Pick up a new, revised, green schedule for the Summer. Activity nights have been moved from Tuesdays to Sundays to accommodate schedules.
JOSH PRINGLE UPDATE: Josh has graduated from his Coast Guard training and is moving to his new assignment in Mayfield, Florida. We are thankful that all is going well with him in his new adventures. Contact information should be available through either Connie or the church office soon.
To My Wonderful Church Family,
Thank you all so much for the kind and loving Christian care and concern you have shown to me and to Steve especially during this past year or so. Those of you who have done so many special things to help - you know who you are - I can never express my gratitude enough. This church is a true example of "Christ's Church" and I will miss it so much. My new address and phone are available at the church offfice.
A special thank you also to the moving day "truck loaders" - What a blessing!
With Much Love,
Sandy Martin
Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers from the church and especially for all the prayers, cards and phone calls after my recent accident and surgery. I appreciate so much the thoughtfulness and concern of my wonderful church family. I will be recuperating for a time at Pine Ridge and hope to be home soon. Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery.
Thank you so much!
Jean Townsend
From Marlene Taylor: "Thank you for all the prayers, visits, flowers, cards and gifts of food as I am recovering from recent surgery. A friend is truly one of God's greatest gifts!"
Lois & Perry Ball:
"Thank you for your many prayers, visits and flowers during Lois' recent illness. Lois is on the mend and will be back in Church soon!"
First Place 4 Health is holding their summer Bible study on Thursday evenings 5:15 - 7:00 pm at PBC. Please join us!
Only 2 weeks left for Baby Bottle Boomerang!! Take a bottle home and return it full of coins, cash and checks on Father's Day. This is an easy fundraiser for the Pagosa Pregnancy Support Center... every little bit helps.
Save the date... July 17th we will be having our annual church picnic… more details to come.
Community Ladies Bible study will only be meeting once a month during the summer months. Please contact Dot Kirkham for more information.
The PBC Ladies’ Bible Study Group will meet the 2nd Tuesday of June, July, & August. Our meetings will be at PBC from 12:00-3:00 PM.
We’ll enjoy a Potluck luncheon those Tuesdays and we’ll view “Inheritance”, another Beth Moore series which should be most informative and enjoyable. There will be no homework!
Retiree’s Bible Study & Social
Next Week 6/16 Genesis Lesson 63
Potiphar’s Wife
Each Thursday @ 10:00 am @ PBC until further notice
Call the church office (731-3120) for information
MEN'S FELLOWSHIP: Tuesdays, anytime from 11:45 to 1:00 pm at the downtown Subway. Come for fellowship when you can & stay as long or short as you can.
Several folks have asked about Vacation Bible School this summer. Pagosa Bible Church is not hosting a VBS this year, but several other community churches are. Here's the info that I have:
June 13-16 Centerpoint Church Megan Castaneda 731-0334
July 18-22 Our Savior Lutheran Church Deborah Hainer 731-3157
Our church is need of a snowblower. If you're doing some spring cleaning and need to get rid of a snowblower that is in good working condition, please let us know. You will receive a tax write off for your donation. Thanks.
Service on Sundays at 9:00 am
Church office hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:00-3:00
Mailing address: 209 Harman Park Dr.
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147