Friday, September 3, 2010


Haiti Update:
Here's a short blurb from Dave and Pam Mann in Haiti:

After a month in the U.S. -- purchasing, speaking, emailing, phoning, and also visiting with family and friends -- we are now back in Ouanaminthe. It did not take long before the warm welcomes to shift to words about some changing events. The Univers Medical Centre is now offering 24-hour care. It began September 1st, the day after we arrived. When Pam and I walked home around 8:30 p.m. the first day of extended hours, there were about 20 patients on the main floor. When we left our apartment early the next morning (before the normal opening time), there were about 30 patients in the building already. So, it appears that we have begun to scratch an itch.
We have no word from Dr. Gary’s family concerning his situation. However, UMC has now hired a new general practice doctor and an OB/GYN specialist.

Pagosa Pregnancy Support Center Update:
Please pray for the Pagosa Pregnancy Support Center, as many changes are happening. Praise that even with all the changes, the client volume is increasing. Let me share the changes with you.

1. Kathy Koy and Lisa Kraetsch are going to be leaving the center. Interviews are already under way as the positions need to be filled with people whom God has chosen.
2. The hours have also changed from Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm to a new schedule which is Monday - Thursday 12:00 noon - 5:pm. This actually adds 2 more appointment slots per week.
3. An evening Earn While You Learn class for couples started August 24th and will run for 6 weeks. Pray that this class meets the needs of many clients who cannot come during the regular day hours.
4. Praise that 2 more men have been added to the male volunteers. This makes 7 male volunteers to keep the men's program going at the center.
5. Not really a change, but a prayer request - The downstairs has seen some water after the huge downpours we have had this summer. Pray that the cause can be found quickly and fixed.
6. Finally a change in the date of the Banquet. The new date is October 28th. Please pray for the banquet. Lift up the committees, donors, volunteers and funds that are needed to keep the center going and growing.