Friday, September 10, 2010


PBC's Ladies' Bible Study will be beginning the study of Daniel, coming September 21st, at 1:00 PM. Won't you come join us weekly for refreshments & fellowship as we grow in our Christian faith as women? Get to know other ladies from PBC, as well as from other churches who join with us. You'll be so glad you did!  Call Carol Frakes at  if you'd like a booklet to go with the study


Please stop by the Sign-Up Table and make your appointment today for our new Pictorial Directory.
Our directory will not be complete without you!
Thursday, Friday – September 23, 24 from 2 – 9:20 PM
Saturday, September 25 from 9:30 AM – 5:10 PM
Every family/household that is photographed and views their poses will receive a complimentary album and an 8 X 10 Custom Color Portrait. Olan Mills does not charge the church for the directories. Therefore, portraits will be offered for purchase but you are under no obligation to purchase.
We want to see you in the directory!

New Member Class to be offered on Sept 21 at the home of Bill and Betti Gibbons. Call the church office at 731-3120 or email, if you are interested in attending.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD kickoff meeting on Monday, September 20 from 6:00-7:30 at CrossRoad Christian Fellowship (formerly Mountain Heights Baptist Church) on Park Avenue. If you loved filling boxes last year or want to be part of the Veggie Tales/Operation ChristmaParty on November 6th, join us! We’d love to have your ideas and enthusiasm. A light meal will be served. Call Nancy at 731-5901 or 719-660-5155 OCC supplies will be available for your church.

Friday Nights at the Cinema

Nov. 12 – “The Apple Dumpling Gang”
Dec. 10 – “Snowball Express”
Jan. 14 – “Chariots of Fire”
Feb. 11 – “The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again”
Location: Pagosa Bible Church starts at 6pm
This is an opportunity to invite and introduce others to PBC.

The Father-Daughter Summit
Is a unique relationship-building event for daughters and their dads where the balm of Gilead can be applied to the wounds of daughters. We call this event the Father-Daughter Summit with the expectation that it will provide a life-changing experience for both dads and daughters. Fathers Changing the World...Fathers must make a radical commitment to express the value of their daughters to the world. This bold step will rebuild the core of family life and much more. It will require dads to acknowledge their need for new skills in fathering and compel them to take a huge step of faith that will ultimately bridge the gender barrier between their daughters and them.
Saturday, October 30th from 8:30am to 5pm @ Pagosa Bible Church
Ages of daughters: 13 to 20 and up (Do to the level of content we are requesting that the daughters be at least 13 or going into 7th grade.)
The cost is $45 for each father/daughter pair (Lunch is included)
Guest Musician: Danny Oertli

Christmas Play:
“A Mall Full of Night Visitors”
Community Outreach
December 19, 20, 21
Contact Rick Artis if you are interested in being involved.