Thursday, March 11, 2010


Hello you precious warriors! Kathy Koy here!

I wanted to share with all of you that our Focus on the Family representative has given us the grant for the ultrasound machine…with NO contingency.

We have been praising the Lord! Your prayers sustained our staff as they LABORED to bring delivery to this under the tender care of our Lord! Your prayers encouraged the Board to stay the course as they provided us with such godly leadership and encouragement. Your prayers sustained us when we were tired and whiney. (Maybe I was the only one who was whiney!) Your prayers paved the way for all to be done with excellence. We had asked for prayers that any issues/problems would be revealed. It was a cute moment when Kerry Jepson, our site visit coordinator, said “Hmmm…I wonder if I’m forgetting anything?” I was quickly able to say “I doubt it. Everybody’s been praying that you wouldn’t miss anything!” She kind of smiled that “Really?” kind of smile…

What a long road it has been. And we wouldn’t trade the huge spiritual lessons we’ve learned for anything. God has taught us the value of vision, properly plowing, patiently planting, and persevering in watering and waiting. He is so faithful to mold us beyond a “program.”

Again, God bless you for your faithfulness to us.