Thursday, July 15, 2010


Christian friends should be like flowers that never fade..they're always there for you! Need to be amongst some truly friendly ladies? Well, then, you need to come to the Ladies' Bible Study that meets at our Pagosa Bible Church. Fifteen ladies did last Tuesday, for a wonderful salad luncheon, a time of fellowship, and a devotional on "Friendship" by Carol Frakes.

Right now we're meeting one Tuesday a month for fellowship & food...until fall comes. Then we'll be meeting Tuesday afternoons for more of the same, plus, a Beth Moore Study on "The Book of Daniel". You won't believe how much you'll be welcomed by everyone! We're a "no-pressure-having-some-fellowship-fun-Christian-group-of-ladies"! If you've not come, you don't know what you're missing. Watch for the next announcement for August's get-together. You'll be so glad you did!