Thursday, July 29, 2010


“Fall Preview”

Family Fellowship
Practical Christian Living
All ages welcome
Wednesdays 6pm – 7:30 pM
A 10 week discipleship series which helps Christians develop a consistent walk with God, develop their personal devotional life and begin to communicate their faith
Session topics:
   Knowing God's Plan
   The Reliability and Importance of the Bible
   The Uniqueness of Jesus
   Our New Identity in Christ
   Experiencing God's Forgiveness
   Power for Living
   Living Out Biblical Priorities
   Scheduling Time With God
   Making Your Life Count
   Sharing the Message of God's Love
Contact Pastor Tom

Faith Foundations Class
A four week study on building foundations of faith for the Christian life. This is a study that will help a Christian at any stage of their walk reconnect with Christ and equip you for your journey ahead. The session topics are Confidence, Acceptance, Empowerment and Development.
Everyone is welcome to attend. This study will impact your walk with Christ and you won't want to miss it.
Beginning Sunday September 12th
Sunday's at 10:35-11:35
Meeting in the Gospel Peak room
Lead by Bill and Barbra Fair
Please contact either the church office or the Fairs for more information.

Friday Nights at the Cinema
   Nov. 12 – “The Apple Dumpling Gang”
   Dec. 10 – “Snowball Express”
   Jan. 14 –  to be announced
Location: Pagosa Bible Church starts at 6pm
This is an opportunity to invite and introduce others to PBC.

Teens Group, Junior and Senior High
Kick-off September 12, 5:15-6:45pm, and every Sunday night after.
Study on “Why I Believe What I Believe”

Father/ Daughter Banquet
Featuring Danny Ortley
Saturday, October 30
Christmas Play:
“A Mall Full of Night Visitors”
Community Outreach
December 19, 20, 21
Contact Rick Artis if you are interested in being involved.