Thursday, July 15, 2010


“Fall Preview”

Young Families & Couples Fellowship
7-week study on “Setting My Moral Compass”
Wednesdays 6pm – 7:30 pm
Contact Pastor Tom

Friday Nights at the Cinema
Nov. 12 – “End of the Spear”
Dec. 10 – “Snowball Express”
Jan. 14 – “The Apple Dumpling Gang”
Location: Pagosa Bible Church starts at 6pm
This is an opportunity to invite and introduce others to PBC.

Teens Group, Junior and Senior High
Kick-off September 12, 5:15-6:45pm, and every Sunday night after.
Study on “Why I Believe What I Believe”

Father/ Daughter Banquet
Featuring Danny Ortley

Christmas Play:
“A Mall Full of Night Visitors”
Community Outreach
December 19, 20, 21
Contact Rick Artis if you are interested in being involved.